
Engagement with the academic community and leadership 

Service as reviewer:

Academy of Management and Babson Conference Service

Essex Business School Service

IE Business School Service

Engagement with the practitioner community 

Consultant/Coach: Project “Switch Africa Green” - A European Union funded project in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Project Services to promote sustainable development, poverty reduction, women empowerment, and eco-entrepreneurship. July 2018: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Rodrigues/Mauritius Islands

-        Conducted Entrepreneurship Training Workshops for MSMEs

-        Carried out on-site visits, acted as an intermediary between MSMEs and Governmental authorities

Invited speaker - Webinar for managers and executive audiences "Business Perspectives Series - Business Legitimacy: Staying on the Right Side of Opinion”, The Open University Business School Webinar aimed at practitioner audiences, Online, June 2016