Engagement with the academic community and leadership
Service as reviewer:
Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management Studies, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Industry and Innovation, Journal of Management Inquiry
AOM Annual Conference, Euram
Academy of Management and Babson Conference Service
OMT Division Communication Team (2015-2018)
Session chair at AOM, BCERC
Essex Business School Service
Deputy Director of the Essex MBA (as from July 2023)
Academic Offenses Adjudicator for the Department of Management & Marketing (2022-2023)
IE Business School Service
Administrator IE Doctoral Club since 2017
Member of the Academic Commission, IE Business School, Madrid, Spain (2016 - 2019)
Social Event Organizer for IE Business School @ AOM annual conference from 2015 to 2019
European DocNet Event Panelist (DocNet comprises AACSB accredited schools), held at IE Business School, Madrid, 2018
IE Business School “Ph.D. Program Webinar” Organizer and Facilitator, (2015 & 2016)
Engagement with the practitioner community
Consultant/Coach: Project “Switch Africa Green” - A European Union funded project in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Project Services to promote sustainable development, poverty reduction, women empowerment, and eco-entrepreneurship. July 2018: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Rodrigues/Mauritius Islands
- Conducted Entrepreneurship Training Workshops for MSMEs
- Carried out on-site visits, acted as an intermediary between MSMEs and Governmental authorities
Invited speaker - Webinar for managers and executive audiences "Business Perspectives Series - Business Legitimacy: Staying on the Right Side of Opinion”, The Open University Business School Webinar aimed at practitioner audiences, Online, June 2016